Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Montessori Corner

Ok no, chances are I will never really home school, but I am trying to bring Hadley's School home. She thrives with all of the structure at school, and gets bored at home. I am going to slowly start to make a collection of work that she can do on the mornings that she doesn't have school. I am going to try really heard to be a good Montessori mommy. Try and allow her some independence and let her learn by making her own mistakes instead of micromanaging her so that she does things perfectly. I hope this will also give me some structure and help our days together be a little more fun. We've wasted away too many days just sitting around.

My grandpa sent Hadley a beautiful little desk, so I made a little 'school' corner in her room. It has bins below to store her work, and she is loving it. She worked on beading her wooden beads for a while, and then decided to start her pouring work. And I did a good mommy job and had her clean up the beading (which she did no problem) before getting out the tea set. She has been good for about an hour now! When she spills and gets upset I've even been calm and not frustrated ( :D ). I've been trying to encourage her to think through things so when she does get upset I've just reassured her that it's ok, and asked her what we can use to clean it up. She then goes and grabs a towel, dishrag, or paper towel and soaks that spill right up. I'm so proud of my little independent girl.

The numbers and letters on the board are the ones she has gone over at school.
Pardon the poor lighting quality, I used my phone for this and we have insulation covering her window because they are the old school windows that you can feel a breeze through.

-Side note: We are excited to be moving within the year.

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