Sunday, December 4, 2011


This holiday season I have become minorly obsessed with tradtions (my neighbors will tell you). I'm constantly trying to find out what theirs are, and figure out which to incorporate or not. Until now we havent had the oportunity really to establish our own, because we were always having to hustle to different family member's houses to participate in their traditions. 

(for the shortened version of the story scoll down)

Long Story: Getting to my aunts for Christmas Eve dinner, then we had to wake up at like 6 on Christmas morning to get ready and open presents together quick before rushing across town to John's Grandma's house to have breakfast and open gifts with his Mom's family before 8. Then back across town to do the same with John's Dad's side of the family and hopefully squeeze in a little time with my family. 

Short Story: We were doing everything that we did as children, instead of doing things our own way.

This is NOT to say we don't love spending holidays with our family, just that we need to be our own family unit and establish our own traditions.

And now, some pictures because thats what people actually care about :)

John's Mom always gave John and Justin an ornament every Christmas. That was one tradition I knew was special to john, so I thought he would like to do that for Hadley. She has been loving Toy Story 3 so I thought it was only appropriate to get an ornament with Woody and Buzz on it.

I also thought it would be appropriate to have daddy help place it on the tree.

Here is the ornament up close. She loves it.

More pictures of our new traditions to come when we do them. :)

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